We specialize in market analysis, market entry and market research for the B2B and B2C sectors. By combining qualitative and quantitative methods, we offer analysis tailored to meet your unique needs. The result is clear and actionable insights that provide a solid foundation for strong business decisions. Whether you want to know more about the Swedish, Scandinavian or European markets, we are here to help.
Common Questions
Market size
Value chain
Trends and forecasts
Sales volumes
Willingness to pay
Purchasing processes
Product interest
Decision criteria
Potential partners
Prioritization of markets
Where most value is generated
Potential acquisition targets
Our methodology
To effectively address your specific questions, we use a comprehensive range of methods. Here are some of the most frequently used methods in our market analysis and market research work.
- In-depth interviews with decision makers
- Focus groups
- Secondary data- and trend analysis
- Qualitative interviews with industry experts
- Digital surveys
- Strategy workshops
- Interviews with consumers and users
- Market modeling and forecasting
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Doing a market analysis with us
When you work with us, you get access to a dedicated team of specialists. Our expertise includes both qualitative and quantitative data collection, as well as turning collected information into deep insights for a business. We put a high value on understanding. Therefore, each project is led by an experienced project manager with strategic know-how, who tailors the methodology to suit your unique challenges.
We carry out market analysis and research in most industries, and have coverage in over 80 different countries. Here are some examples of areas in which we have experience.
- Energy & Sustainability
- Finance & Fintech
- Big Data
- Technology
- Consumer Electronics
- Consumer Products
- Fashion
- Healthcare
- Life Science
- Health & Fitness
- Education & Training
- Automotive
- Licensing
- Croud Sourcing
- Wellness & Personal Development
- Software & SaaS
- E-commerce
- Retail
- Real Estate
- Food
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Raw Materials
Clear decision material
We adapt the results of the market analysis or market research to match your specific needs. For example, it can be used as a stand-alone decision-making tool or integrated as a key component of an overall marketing or business strategy
Next Step
Do you have questions, want to know more about us, or want a quote? Get in touch. We appreciate your contact.